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Construction Law

Construction Law

Attorney Marvin Gold is both a blue collar tradesman and a white collar professional. He has personally framed roofs, ceilings, walls and floors, installed siding, built and installed windows, bent custom aluminum trim, hung, taped, and finished drywall panels, laid brick and block, wired entire buildings, installed copper and plastic supply lines, hot water heating systems, plastic drain and well pipes, custom wood cabinets, and custom trim.

He is both a lawyer and a builder.

Marvin's clients include general contractors, HVAC installers, plumbers, framers, excavators, roofers, pavers, electricians, tile and carpet installers, kitchen remodelers, and many other construction professionals.

Marvin has represented building owners in disputes with contractors and contractors in disputes with building owners, as well as general contractors in disputes with their subs and subs in disputes with their general contractors.

If you need a lawyer who has had every imaginable type of dirt under his fingernails, knows construction inside and out and can go toe to toe with every type of builder and craftsmen you're likely to ever meet, Marvin Gold is your man.


Call for a Consultation! 215-672-2458

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The Law Offices of Marvin H. Gold and Travis Gold · 237 S. York Road · Hatboro, PA 19040 · 215-672-2458 · Fax: 215-672-9460