# Simple Sitemap 1.0 # sitemap.txt used to create an XML Google Sitemap file # COPYRIGHT (C) 2005 BY SMART-IT-CONSULTING.COM # * Do not remove this header # * This program is provided AS IS # * Use this program at your own risk # * Don't publish this code, link to http://www.smart-it-consulting.com/ instead # * Download here: http://www.smart-it-consulting.com/article.htm?node=154 # ************************************************************************ # USAGE: # Add a line per page you want to submit via Google Sitemaps between # START DATA and END DATA. # # Column 1: Relative URL, e.g. '/what-is-new.htm?page=17&itemsPerPage=10' # NO session IDS! NO DOS-BACKSLASHES! # Only content pages, no images, movies, CSS files or such # Mandatory # Column 2: Date/Time of last modification, e.g. '2005-07-25 12:13:41' # You can omit the time, but keep the format CCYY-MM-DD # Optional # Column 3: Change Frequency, valid values are: # 'always' - page content changes significantly with every page view # 'hourly' # 'daily' # 'weekly' # 'monthly' # 'yearly' # 'never' - archived pages which aren't changed any more, PDF documents and such # Optional # Column 4: Crawling priority 0.0 - 1.0 # Optional # Column 5: Level 0 - n, example: # Root index page = 0 # Category index page = 1 # Content page = 2 # Mandatory for HTML sitemap # Column 6: Page title, don't use '#' or '\' or '|' or crlf (new line) # in this text field # Mandatory for HTML sitemap and RSS feed # # Column 7: Page description, don't use hard line breaks # Optional for HTML sitemap (used as tooltip in links) # Mandatory for RSS feed # # Column 8: RSS Categories # A comma delimited list of max. 5 categories applicable for the page # Optional but recommended for RSS feed # # Column 5 + 6 + 7 are used for the HTML site map. # Column 6 + 7 + 8 are used for the RSS site feed # # If you omit an attribute, keep the delimiter '|'! # # More information: # http://www.smart-it-consulting.com/article.htm?node=133&page=39 # http://www.smart-it-consulting.com/article.htm?node=154 # # EXAMPLES (omit the comment marker '#' when you copy, paste and modify): #/|2005-07-25|monthly|0.5|0|Home page|Site description|| #/catindex.htm?node=2|2005-07-24|weekly|0.6|1|Web Development|Page Description|keyword1,keyword 2,keyword phrase 3| #/article.htm?node=133| | |0.9|1|Google Sitemaps Tutorial|Page Description|keyword1,keyword 2,keyword phrase 3| #/internet/google/submit-validate-sitemap/| |monthly| |2|Free XML Validator|Page Description|keyword1,keyword 2,keyword phrase 3| #/article.htm?node=154|2005-07-25 13:00:00| | |2|Free Site Map Tool|Page Description|keyword1,keyword 2,keyword phrase 3| #/get-help.htm?node=154|2005-07-25|monthly|0.5|1|Support|Page Description|keyword1,keyword 2,keyword phrase 3| # # **************************************************************************** # START DATA /|2005-07-25|monthly|0.5|0|Home page|Site description|category1,cat2,cat3,cat4,cat5| # END DATA # **************************************************************************** # Leave the EOF at the last line # EOF